Earn College Credit While In High School? Yes! VPS offers several programs where students can begin earning college credit while in high school. One of these programs is CTE Dual Credit. Students and parents should check with their student’s CTE teacher or Career Specialist to ensure their students are eligible and enrolled. Each high school has a Career Specialist on staff that helps students with testing, college preparation, career exploration and much, much more.
School & Career Specialist Contact Info:
Columbia River H.S. – Morgan.Parker@vansd.org
Flex Academy – Angela.Fotjik@vansd.org
Fort Vancouver H.S. – Jennifer.Pongracz@vansd.org
Heights Campus – Kirstin.Ribelin@vansd.org or Kirstin.Lenahan@vansd.org
Jim Tangeman Center – Becky.Davis@vansd.org
Hudson’s Bay H.S. – Lorilee.Huerena@vansd.org
iTech Preparatory – Natalie.Powell@vansd.org
Skyview H.S. – Chris.Erdman@vansd.org
VSAA – Rachel.Fouts-Carrico@vansd.org
District Business Outreach – Nina.Stemm@vansd.org
CTE Dual Credit allows high school students to earn college credit in their high school career and technical education (CTE) classes without leaving their high school campus. Tuition is free and so is registration at most colleges. Some courses require earning a “B” or better in the course or require additional evidence. Each teacher will notify students of the criteria to earn dual credit and Career Specialists at each high school will help students enroll. VPS has a Dual Credit agreement with Clark College and several other local community colleges.
For more information on college enrollment, military opportunities, scholarships, and employment, check out FutureMe.vansd.org and students should login to Xello. Xello is Vancouver Public Schools’ College & Career Readiness platform and students can login directly through ClassLink.