Jaden Gabbard
Grade: 12
School: Lieser Campus/Skyview
What do you want to do after high school?
My plan is to go to WSU Pullman and double major in secondary education and business administration and management with a minor in basic medical science. This will allow me to work in a school or a hospital where I can help people.
Who or what helped you make that plan?
I had a lot of strong females in my life in those types of roles who inspired me to go in the same direction, like my AP World teacher Ms. Murray, or the volunteer coordinators at Legacy Hospital, Laura and Kim.
What advice would you give to a friend or classmate who is trying to decide what they want to do after they graduate?
If someone doesn’t know what they want to do after high school, instead of using a book to search out a major where you can only see about it on paper, they should seek out someone in a position they would like to be in and ask how they got there.