2024 Kathi Joy Wiley Scholarship  

Apply Here by May 31st:     



This scholarship fund has a strong interest in supporting the most marginalized populations of students that are pursuing any post-secondary education pathway, including all the following: degrees, certificates, proficiencies, or hands-on career skill building. Career pursuits can be anything from Pre-Medicine or Welder to Certified Truck Driver or Tattoo Artist, AND the list of career pursuits is endless. The scholarship should provide potential to lift a student out of the circumstances they are in if they so desire.


Eligibility Criteria: Students selected to receive this scholarship must:

•be residents of southwest Washington who are or have been affected by any of, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
• being a single parent or a widow
• being a foster youth or young adult who have aged out of the foster care system (formal or informal)
• incarceration of self or parents
• being an immigrant or refugee, or second-generation immigrant or refugee
• living in poverty
• have experienced instability in housing and/or being unhoused
• living with a disability (developmental, intellectual, neurodivergent, physical) or have behavioral issues
• recovery from addiction or affected by addiction
• identify as LGBTQ2S+
• being a survivor of domestic violence, gender violence, and/or child abuse
• Plan to pursue any post-secondary education at an accredited public or private nonprofit   college, university, vocational/trade school or training program, or  apprenticeship in the United States
• Be a resident of southwest Washington
• Demonstrate financial need