High school seniors are eligible for this $5,000 Walter Morales Scholarship for Urban Education Improvement by writing a 1,000 word essay (don’t freak out that’s only 2 pages single spaced) on the following:

“Think about the unique challenges that face urban schools.  Urban schools are marked by higher concentrations of poverty, greater racial and ethnic diversity, larger concentrations of immigrant populations, language diversity, and more frequent rates of student mobility. Discuss these and/or other factors that are challenges for urban schools and how you would improve the urban education system.”

Save your essay in .doc format and email it with the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Email
  • Name of high school
  • Expected graduation date
  • University that you plan on attending
  • Personal biography (1 paragraph)
  • Current GPA
  • 1,000 word essay (attached to email)

Email to walter@waltermoralesscholarship.com

Deadline: February 15, 2022